Microsoft 365 and the Office bundles will feature Teams, the company's video-chat app. The updated look will also go live for Windows 10 users. Programs receiving a digital facelift are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, Project, Publisher and Visio. Many of the apps are getting a new look, too, with rounded window corners and a neutral color palette. With this year's launch, some extra tools from the Microsoft 365 subscription service are making their way to Office, such as collaboration features like co-authoring and the ability to send out automatic updates when files are edited. Office Home and Business adds Outlook to that list and grants the rights to use these apps for commercial purposes, and it costs $250. Office Home and Student, which unlocks Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Microsoft Teams, will cost $150.
Microsoft's software suite is getting an upgrade on October 5th with the rollout of Windows 11, and this includes Office Home and Student 2021, and Office Home and Business 2021.